Monday, June 16, 2008

back to medieval times...mmm almond milk

I made some tasty almond milk yesterday. It's just a bit pricier than real milk at about 1.000 pesos the liter (It takes one cup of almonds to make a liter).

Almond milk:
  • 1 cup of almonds (soaked overnight in a couple cups of water)
  • a few dates
  • vanilla extract or artificial rum or some other flavoring
  • 3 cups of water
Throw the strained soaked almonds in the blender with dates and a cup of water. Blend until well blended, add 2 more cups of water and vanilla and blend some more. Then strain in fine strainer holding on to the almond pulp to put in cookies, granola, to eat straight, whatever. Drink milk. It's supposed to keep 3 days in the fridge, but Vuko and I drank it all right away. Yummy

Next time I may add 4 cups of water to see if I can make the almonds go a little further.

Back in the medieval day, apparently people drank almond milk rather than cow's milk because it kept longer in those pre-refrigerator times. That's what I read on the internet anyway.

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